Wix seems to have become a pretty popular website option for a lot of business owners in the last years, one part of that is due to celeb influenced marketing campaigns (let's be honest) and another part is simply because a lot of business professionals find it easy to use. As it stands now, Wix is literally the largest website building platform and hosts an amazing 160 million websites. But what does that mean for you and your business? We've compiled 3 Important Questions to answer, which will let you know if Wix is a good fit.
1. Is Your Business a 'Small' Business?

From our experience of doing over 160+ websites on the Wix platform, we've found that a lot of Wix users are small businesses. One of the main reasons we believe this is, may be because Wix is ideal for a business that's within their first 5 years of full time business (as in not having a job on the side) which is when businesses find good foundation for their processes.
If your business is larger with 10+ employees, chances are you probably require specific back office features that may be limited within the Wix Templates. Although it can still be done with Wix's new automated email systems, it may not be the easiest or smoothest work around.
2. Is Your Business a 'Common' Business?

It seems Wix knows certain categories of business that they are great for, and when you first build a website on the platform they ask you them right away:
We do feel that Wix covers a majority of businesses that are popular choices amongst entrepreneurs, so that's great. If your business requires a cart, booking and scheduling features, monthly memberships, service request forms, pick up and delivery options, Forum/Blog access for customers or even video rental features, Wix definitely has you covered. However, if your business requires non common features you may want to reach out to us to be sure that Wix can accompany them first. Or else you may get stuck creating difficult work arounds to make this happen
3. Can Your Business Website Operate With Under 30 Pages?

Wix operates phenomenally for businesses that need standard page set ups such as a menu, with a sub menu. If you are a website that needs a menu, with a sub menu, and sub-sub menu and lot's of header pages you're again having to find work arounds to make this happen.
Now you may be saying well I may need 30 pages for my shop categories, restaurant menus, or maybe even booking service categories? No need to worry, Wix has that covered by making those services operate within an app that has it's own menu sections:
As long as you can make your categories work within these category structures that Wix already provides, you should have no issues with organization.
In Conclusion to These Questions
If you said 'no' to any of these 3 important questions, we would strongly recommend doing better research or reaching out to us to get better direction as to what platform would be better suited for your business needs. Alternatively, if you said 'yes' to all 3 of these then we strongly feel you should be best suited for Wix. We would recommend it over a lot of competitor platforms such as Wordpress, Squarespace, or Weebly because of it's ease of use and it's flexible customization. Features that are not both found in a lot of competitors, or at least not to the degree that Wix exemplifies them.
We hope this was a helpful guide in helping you decide if Wix is a suitable platform for you and your business, if so please drop us a comment, share this article, and reach out to us for any website or marketing help.
- The True Marketing Agency